Jun 25 2010

So, nothing has really happened that anyone else would care about, but I did do something kind of cool.

I officially completed my first EXTREMELY large Smart Cookie order! We had an order for Discover Card, and it was 1,400 stars. It was a very long long process. Luckily I had the help of another baker, but it still took us about 12 hours to complete overall. A lot of dough, frosting, and hand-cramps later, we finished. They looked really good, and I was glad that it was over! The worst part for me was when they were all loaded into the car, watching them drive away, and imagining a really horrible car accident occurring a few feet from the store. That didn't happen though, and as far as I know, the cookies made it safely there. :]
It has been a long couple of weeks! I am no longer going to be full time baking, I'm not cut out for it. :] So I am struggling to get through my last couple of weeks before I go back to just running the counter. I will be closing more, so that kind of sucks, but oh well. It's a job, money, and something to keep me busy. Melissa also comes home from Africa on Saturday! I will finally have a friend close to me! (Besides Troy, who I love, but I am in need of a girlfriend close by.) We are going to the Lehi Rodeo on Saturday and I couldn't be more excited!
My newest project is to get Tika, Troy's dog, back into shape. :] I feel so bad for her, because she just gets trapped inside all day long. Slowly but surely (and when we have time) I'm making Troy take her on walks with me, and to the park. We will see how this all goes. :]
I need to mention this, because it is a HUGE DEAL.
On Saturday June 26, 2010 Dari is turning 50! Dari, happens to be the oldest African Elephant in North America, and she calls the Hogle Zoo home. They are having a large cake/celebration, but because of my lame job I don't get to go. I just thought that everyone should know, because hello, that's like the coolest thing ever. I do read the zoo blog for the baby elephant. I know, it's weird. But if I can't see her in person, I might as well be able to keep up with her via internet!! Don't judge my actions.

Jun 15 2010

I can't really always write on here, because hearing this everyday:

I baked today. It was long, and not very fun. Then I hung out with Troy.
I baked today. It was long, and not very fun. Then I hung out with Troy.
I baked today...blah....blah....blah.... because, that literally has become my entire life. Not that I am complaining, because I'm A)very grateful for the job and money B)glad I'm not doing school stuff right now and C)really happy for the time at home, and with Troy. So, no, I am not complaining. I have just been simply saving you all boring post after boring post of my very routine life.
There was a little adventure this past weekend however. It was the Yager Family Reunion. Because my grandparents were celebrating their 50th (wedding anniversary for those that were confused) we made a big reunion out of it. All of the family stayed at Carol's (except the select few who couldn't handle the chaos. :] ) and we had a weekend of fun. Troy came along, and it all went surprisingly well. The family seemed to like him, and he wasn't too awkward. :] Haha just kidding, it went well and I think we both had fun. Even if it was CHAOS it was fun. By Sunday, night we were exhausted, and glad for the break.
Over the weekend, on the twelfth to be exact, two things happened.
1-It was mine and Troy's 6 month mark. Not 50 years, but hey, 1/100 of that is worth celebrating. :]
2- It was the Brazilian Valentine's day. (Dia dos Namorados actually......and I really hope that's right.) It roughly means day of the girlfriend/boyfriend.
So, in honor of these two lovely celebrations, Troy got me a really pretty picture of a tree and a fence with a scripture on the bottom. It doesn't sound so pretty when I describe it on here, but it is and I love it. :]
That was our weekend of fun. I was glad to be off work, and I'm sure Troy was as well. This weekend, he gets a couple of days off so that will be good. We are going to try to cram what we can in, while we have the time. :] It's funny that we are happy to have days of doing errands, and mundane things like laundry. But when you have the time, it's really nice. :]

Jun 7 2010

I actually have something new I did to post here. :]

This weekend we went to Vegas with Troy's family.
It was actually very fun. :] We drove down with Kyle (his brother) and Courtney (Kyle's girlfriend) late Saturday after we got off work. We made really good time, and had fun driving with them. Kyle taught us this game, Who am I?, where everyone knows who you are but you do not. So the whole object of the game is to ask yes/no questions to find out who you are. The first one to figure out who they are, wins. I got to be Queen Victoria, Al Capone, Niel Armstrong, and Mia Hamm. It was really fun. We also played a word game. But that one is a little difficult to explain, but it was fun as well. :] We got to Chad and Lindsay's house and just hung out for a little while, chatted with everyone there. Becky, Craig, Courtney and me all were staying at a hotel down the road, so then Kyle and Troy drove us there. It was fun being able to just hang out and not really have to worry about doing anything. Me and Courtney were up until like two in the morning, just chatting away. It was good. :] The next morning we got up bright and early, got ready and went back over to Chad's. Again, we just hung out and let everyone spend time together.
Becky brought some Tollhouse frozen cookie dough, and while she was occupied with the baby, Courtney decided to cook them for her. It turned into a team effort between the two of us, and we were laughing pretty hard. I was afraid I was going to mess them up, and everyone would question my occupation, and that I actually get paid to make cookies. It was funny. Jay and Rex (Troy's nephews) warmed up to me quicker and better this trip. They are both so different, but so funny. It was fun to watch them hang out with the family they never get to see, and see everyone laugh and play with them. We went to Eli's blessing which was very good, and then ate at Chad's after. Also, very good. :] It was fast Sunday, and I was dying by the time we ate. But it was all very good and worth the wait. It was so hot there though! Walking to the car after Church was like a Sauna. It was awful. And, it's only June! I will definitely never live in Vegas. That is for sure. It was fun to be able to hang out with Troy's family, and meet siblings that I had not yet. I only have one more to go, so we will see. :] This next weekend is the Reunion for my side, and Troy is bravely coming along. We will see how this all goes....pray for him. :]

Jun 4 2010

Apparently Mother Nature was waiting until June to grace us with warm-ish weather.

Hopefully it decides to stick around for a while.
The last few weeks have been uneventful, but full of stuff.
I have begun baking at the Fort Union store Full-Time, and I hate it. Haha okay, so it's getting better, but I'm not very good at frosting those stupid flowers so it has become a very large frustration in my life. Hopefully, I'll figure it out quickly. :]
Mine and Troy's works schedules are not very fun. He works until seven, I work long days, and we both are too tired to do anything fun. It kind of sucks. But we're working on it.
Ready for the best news ever? I'm going to Logan this weekend!! :] I'm going to stay with Parker. It's going to be really great, I'm very excited for it. It is VERY NEEDED. Troy is going to Vegas with his family, so I jumped at the opportunity to go up there. I leave tomorrow night after work. :] Yay. I'm going to be bringing Parker lot's of food. She needs it. :]
We got to hang out with Logan last weekend, which is always a pleasure. We went bowling with Melissa on Saturday night, and then played croquet (which I totally suck at) on Sunday. It was a pretty good time. Even though Logan relentlessly mocks me, I still appreciate his visits.
Pony Express Days are in town, and on Memorial Day my family invited me and Troy to the rodeo. Melissa came along too, because she loves rodeos, and I just couldn't let her miss out. It was really fun. I got to wear my boots, and get all cowboy again. :] I love it. It was really fun, and after we went to my house and ate burgers and hung out. We tried to have a fire, but it was way too windy so we sat in my front room and played games. Being at my house is so much crazier than playing games at Butterfield's. That is for sure! But it was good.
Melissa leaves for Africa in less than a week! She is going for 3 weeks to do service in an Orphanage. She is super excited/nervous. I'm excited for her! I could never do something like that, so I admire that she is!
Tori Creighton (from Smart Cookie) left for BYU Hawaii yesterday, and I won't see her until December! It's weird not being able to work with her, or call her to go country dancing. I'm going to miss her a lot.
I'm so jealous of all these people doing all this cool stuff. I'm stuck here, in the same cookie job, doing nothing. Oh well. I'm earning a lot of money which is good. But it's boring. I'll just have to make the rest of my life very interesting. :]