Apparently Mother Nature was waiting until June to grace us with warm-ish weather.
Hopefully it decides to stick around for a while.
The last few weeks have been uneventful, but full of stuff.
I have begun baking at the Fort Union store Full-Time, and I hate it. Haha okay, so it's getting better, but I'm not very good at frosting those stupid flowers so it has become a very large frustration in my life. Hopefully, I'll figure it out quickly. :]
Mine and Troy's works schedules are not very fun. He works until seven, I work long days, and we both are too tired to do anything fun. It kind of sucks. But we're working on it.
Ready for the best news ever? I'm going to Logan this weekend!! :] I'm going to stay with Parker. It's going to be really great, I'm very excited for it. It is VERY NEEDED. Troy is going to Vegas with his family, so I jumped at the opportunity to go up there. I leave tomorrow night after work. :] Yay. I'm going to be bringing Parker lot's of food. She needs it. :]
We got to hang out with Logan last weekend, which is always a pleasure. We went bowling with Melissa on Saturday night, and then played croquet (which I totally suck at) on Sunday. It was a pretty good time. Even though Logan relentlessly mocks me, I still appreciate his visits.
Pony Express Days are in town, and on Memorial Day my family invited me and Troy to the rodeo. Melissa came along too, because she loves rodeos, and I just couldn't let her miss out. It was really fun. I got to wear my boots, and get all cowboy again. :] I love it. It was really fun, and after we went to my house and ate burgers and hung out. We tried to have a fire, but it was way too windy so we sat in my front room and played games. Being at my house is so much crazier than playing games at Butterfield's. That is for sure! But it was good.
Melissa leaves for Africa in less than a week! She is going for 3 weeks to do service in an Orphanage. She is super excited/nervous. I'm excited for her! I could never do something like that, so I admire that she is!
Tori Creighton (from Smart Cookie) left for BYU Hawaii yesterday, and I won't see her until December! It's weird not being able to work with her, or call her to go country dancing. I'm going to miss her a lot.
I'm so jealous of all these people doing all this cool stuff. I'm stuck here, in the same cookie job, doing nothing. Oh well. I'm earning a lot of money which is good. But it's boring. I'll just have to make the rest of my life very interesting. :]
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