Real quick update. :]
There really isn't very much to update on though.
I have officially started as a baker at Smart Cookie. Which is nice, because now my hours match Troy's, and I get paid a lot more. We are both big fans of both of those things. He started working for my dad last week, and has been doing really well. I think. :] He's learning some new words that's for sure, and got a nice tan going. He works thirteen hour days, which is long and not fun, but it's only for the summer and it's going to pay off. Literally.
We spent this Sunday in St. George, because Troy's cousin Eric came home from his mission and was speaking in Church. Although it was a lot of car time, and I almost lost it, it was a really good weekend. I got to meet a lot of his family, including his older brother Chad and his wife Lindsay and three little boys. They were not a fan of me at first, but they warmed up to me as the day went on. Mostly, they were my friends when I showed them Troy's weak tickle spots, and helped them get him good. :]
I'm having a rough time with Parker being in Logan. I don't really like it at all. I wish that she were down here with me still, and we could hang out whenever we wanted. But it is good for her to be up there. I just miss her a lot. :/ She really is my best friend. When we get old, we are going to still be best friends. Despite what Kris says. :]
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