May 16 2010

While begin home is nice, and I'm loving it, it is slightly uneventful.

My days consist of work, Troy, and being home sometimes.
I have had some pretty interesting things happen, and I'll let you know about those. :]
Super stressed about my grades when school ended, being home didn't help at all. It was all I could think about. I knew there was nothing more I could do, but just wait for them to be posted. I checked every day, multiple times. Finally, the results are in.
I totally made the cut, and I'm keeping my scholarship! It was a little close, but I managed to pull of an A in every other class except Biology. (Human Development I got an A-, but it's still an A in my book. :] )
Troy got a job working with my dad, so he finished the week up at the farm and starts at Hadco on Tuesday. It's going to be rough work, but oh well I guess.
I'm doing full time at Smart Cookie. Boring. He wants me to bake full time, so we will see. I don't know about this plan.
I hate that Parker is in Logan and I'm not. I miss having her around. :/ We will be together soon enough though I guess. It's just lonely with only Troy to keep me company. Haha. :]
We went and saw Robin Hood last night, and despite hearing that it got horrible reviews, I loved it! I thought it was way good. I would watch it again no problem, and I don't even really like Robin Hood.
The missionaries got a hold of Maddison, and they said that she accepted the DVD. She called me the other day while I was working, and I have yet to call her back. I'm such a slacker at catching back up with people! It's horrible!
I'm glad that the weather is good now, hopefully it stays this way! I want to get the boat out on the lake, and a tan going. :]