One year ago...
"Saturday was the day of excitement since I have been home. I woke up bright and early, and got to Smart Cookie at about five, and spent the next ten hours baking my butt off, all by myself. I was going so fast, so that I could be out of there for my date. I don't think I stopped doing something once. It was an exhausting feat. But all boring baking details aside, I made it out alive, and on time. I got home, got ready for my date, and was so exhausted, but still excited. It was a really fun date! I had lots of fun getting to know Troy, and we walked around Temple Square, and then went to the Christmas Program that MOTAB does every year. It was really good. :] I liked going, because I haven't been in so long, and I kind of missed them. Natalie Cole was there as well, and wow. She is kind of a diva. She had her own blinged out microphone, and conductress. But it was still amazing. :] We ate at Macaroni Grill after, and walked back to the car. I really did have a good time, and maybe we will get to hang out again. We will see. :]"
Happy one year anniversary Troy!! :]
I cannot believe it has really been an entire year that we have been dating. It definitely doesn't feel like that long. We have had some great times, and I'm so happy that I get to have a million more years with him. The best part about having a year, is that now there isn't one calendar day of the year I haven't known him. If that hasn't scared me away yet, nothing can.
I love you. :]

So glad you are in Troy's life...and ours as well! Can't wait to see you this weekend ;)
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