Today was a pretty above average day. I went to the DESA BBQ and had a total blast!!! It was super great. :] I got to interact with deaf people, and people who I could actually communicate with in ASL only. It was fabulous. I cannot wait for the rest of the year, it will be so cool. I'm going to be the very greatest signer ever. Haha. :] My parentals and grandparents and sisters came up today, and it was very great. We ate at Angie's, which is always a joy. Then we ate Aggie Ice Cream, and I took Cailtyn and Courtney to meet the 102 boys. Well, two of them anyway. But they got to see where I spend a large majority of my time. My parents went grocery shopping for me, which I wish would happen every weekend, because I'll tell you what, this grocery shopping thing, is not that fun. Ha. Being on your own definitely has its perks, but that is not one of them. I mean, I stress over butter-like who does that? Me. The rest of my night was alright. I went grocery shopping with Tori (I know, I just talked about hating it, then I go for someone else?? Don't ask.) Then we went back to her place and watched Wolverine with Kyle. I love that movie. Hugh Jackman is old and hairy, but he is attractive to the extreme. I felt bad, because I fell asleep like ten minutes before the movie ended, and so did Kyle. So when I woke up, Tori was just sitting there. Ha. Apparently we had both been out for like a good half hour, and she couldn't sleep to save her life. Awkward. I came home to find a living room full of people, and am wide awake. (Hence the two thirty post.) Sierra felt it was necessary to torment me and make me think about my greatest fears and proceeded to look up sick pictures of Earwigs and Spiders, and tell me horror stories about them crawling over people as they sleep. Good thing I got that nap at Tori's, because it doesn't look like I'll be getting much more. I really would like to talk to that David kid, but yeahh. I guess I will just see him on Tuesday. :] Hopefully I'll see him outside of Bio class again, because really, no one is attractive in Bio. "I like your shirt. Oh and your slide of oozing crawly bacteria??" No. You can't really make small talk out of that. I didn't get to see any of my 102 boys tonight, but I'm going over there tomorrow. Weird news today however....and still trying to process it. I still need to make Weston (the RA) not hate me. It's really late. Or early I guess. Night. :]
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