Yay for Mondays. :] I left out a few details about last night....a) Ellie licked my face when she found out I was a germaphob. b) I got a ride home on the back of a trick bike driven by Adrese...which was very terrifying. :] Anyway, for today, just classes mostly. We have two professors in Biology, and the other one taught us for the first time today, and I really like him. He is way slower than the other guy, and me and Adrese both agreed we think we will do better on his exam. We both hope anyway. :] I slept through English on accident. But I did finish my essay, so all is well. Psychology was alright. I found out that this first exam was the hardest, and everyone didn't do that great, so my grades will hopefully go up there as well. Tonight is the first night of Homecoming week, and I'm very excited. We are doing street painting, which I am participating with the DESA. Then there is a pudding dance. :] Which will be one of the top weirdest things I will ever participate in. I believe. :] I almsot died today. Just a few minutes before I started this in fact. I was sitting here watching House with Sierra and Maddison, and my mouth filled with spit, and I accidentally choked. Maddison freaked because I was being loud during her show, and she was not the slightest concerned for my life. That would have been a grand way to go. I'm very tired today. I'm excited that tomorrow is Tuesday, and that I might get to see my very best friend this weekend. :] I cannot even wait. Me and Sierra are boycotting taking the garbage out, to see if anyone else is going to take it out.....namely Jessica. New project remember? I'm so proud of Tesha. She is successfully dating a boy. :] Me and Sierra have taken her under our wings. By the time the semester is over, she will be irrestible and know everything there is to know about manipulating men. Haha. :] Back to House.
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