Today was alright. :] Me and Tori slept until like eleven thirty, and then we went and worked out at the Fieldhouse. The rest of the day was actually kind of boring. We showered, and then wathced Pay if Forward, because Tori had never seen it. She also curled my hair, and she did a fabulous job. :] Tori has spent six nights at my house. :] I think she is going home tomorrow though, and it will be so weird for all of us when she is gone!! Then we went to the hockey game, and Tesha and Sierra came with us. It was fun, but not as fun as the last one, because there weren't that many people there. But we still had fun. :] There was this way cute little girl, that was hanging out with who we determined to be her older brother, and he was pretty cute as well. :] Little kids = major chick magnet. After the game we were going to go clean the sink, but then decided we wanted Dairy Queen, but couldn't find it, so we went to Macey's and were going to get Kong cones, but I don't think any of us did, and we got rootbeer floats. :] Haha they were alright. Tori was really mad because they didn't have chocolate dipped cones, and then her twist was majorly lacking vanilla. She was veryy upset. Ha. Then we came home and have just been goofing off. I think we might watch a movie, but Idk. Right now Sierra is making over her friend Carrie (man) and she made him look ten times hotter! She put gel in his hair, and he came and showed me, and I was like dannnnngg. It was ccool. :] Except, now she is painting his nails pink.....oh well. This blog has pictures. :] Note, our awesome Halloweeen decorations. :]

Hey Whit - I love you. You need to just take some deep breaths and know you can always close your door or go somewhere else. Besides that all of us here love you and know that you are so awesome. It just might take your roommates to get off their butts to find out what we already know. But the sounds of it they are happy or not happy in their own little bubble and maybe it is better that way anyway... I love you!!! Mom
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