Feb 1 2010

Congrats on the first post of February. I love it when I get to start a new month, it's just so great.
I got to apply the punctuation book today, real life example. I was sitting in my observation, and the student teacher goes up to write something on the board for all the students to read. She was trying to write this sentence: "When you're finished, put your papers in the yellow basket." This sentence was clearly a tough one, because both versions of (your/you're) are in the sentence. She got the when up, and the you. Upon arrival at the r, however, she struggled. She wasn't sure whether or not she was supposed to put the lovely apostrophe, or continue with an e. Or even put the e at all. I watched this all play out for about thirty seconds. Imagine me, sitting in the back of the room, in agony, wanting to jump out of my chair and tell her exactly what she needed. She moved on, leaving the r. I almost couldn't take it. Halfway through the word "finished" she erased what she had, and that darn r. She then wrote "you are."
That book, has brought out everything I have buried deep within myself. That little thing called love. Love for punctuation and the correct use of it. :]
I'm so screwed now. Because, with the power this little book has invested in me, I'm okayy with embracing the stickler in me, and calling people out.
That also means, all of you are in trouble. :] (I suggest, reading the book. :] )
That was about the most exciting thing that happened to me today. The observation stuff went well, even if it is slightly awkward. I'm enjoying it.
Tori and Hadley broke up today. It was hard on her, but I think it will be for the better. :] They are officially on "a break" but we all know how those play out. She will be okayy, she feels good about it. Eventually he will as well.
My jaw, is having some issues. Troy internet diagnosed me today over facebook, and we established that it is probably a little something called TMJ. Great. All I know, is that it hurts. The popping is getting slightly out of control, and the pain is becoming more constant. It's not like stabbing, but like my jaw bones are slowly stretching out of my cheeks, and swelling up. The swelling sort of pain. I don't think it's a good thing, and probably need to get it checked out.
Today was a very unproductive day, but frankly, I enjoyed it. I wasn't in the mood to really get anything done anyway.