In case you were wondering, this is the second time I am writing this blog entry. My stupid possesed computer navigated away from the page, and erased the entire thing I wrote. Yes, I was almost done. Now, I have to start all over at one oh nine in the morning. This officially was the worst day. I had so much to do, and had to run all over campus doing a billion things. And I still have like half a TODO list to finish. But I have confidence that all will go well, and I will finish it, and be able to go home completely stress free. That is my motivation. I went to all my classes today. I finished TWO English papers. My Biology assignment. Studied for an hour. Got my ASL story all typed and printed, and fiinished my interactive paper for that class as well. So yes, very productive day, even though at the moment, I'm freaking out, because I feel like I got nothing done, and had a complete waste of a day. Me and Tori brought April to her meeting with the Bishop. It was good. :] She needed some moral support, so we just went and sat outside the Bishop's office. It was actually REALLY good, because I met the cute executive secretary again. His name is Eric. :] He is from New York, and has stolen half of my heart away from Nick. (Don't worry, my goal is still intact, and I have a development in the story. :] ) I also went and bought Tori a chocolate dipped ice cream cone. She was in great need of one. After our little shin dig at the Clerk's Office (which is probably the most social interaction we have had since we have come up here) we came back to my apartment, and had a little mental breakdown. :] There were only slight tears, shed by Tori, but it was just a random mix of laughter, and comments about things, that looking back, make absolutely no sense. Tori Creighton is having some boy issues, and she doesn't know what she is doing with Dalin. They could get married, and they both know this. So they are on break, and trying to figure everything out. So tomorrow, we're going to fast for her (and him i guess) which is a little weird, but hey, she asked me to, so I'm going to. Tomorrow is also Temple Thursday. :] We get to go after Institute, since I'm not eating anything, and don't need to be back for lunch, just ASL. I'm excited. I love mine and Tori's temple trips. Maddison was particularly annoying today, but I just left the room. I cannot wait to go home. Cannot wait. Oh, story about Nick (Marketplace boyfriend) so today at lunch, I didn't see him. I saw Connor (his best friend) however. So I was looking around, for Nick, and I made eye contact with Connor, who was looking at me. And so I smiled and said hi. GUESS WHAT. He said hi back. :] Although it is not the man I would love, it is his best friend. :] Baby steps. Tonight Taylor and Mckay came over. And I KISSED Taylor. Kissed him. Ha. Yeahhhh...... we will see about this. No letter. :/ I suck at patience.
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