Nov 5 2009

Tonight's blog is going to be short and sweet because I was up late trying to figure out stupid registration stuff. But that is all finished now, so yay. Today was actually a really great day. :] I went to institute, saw Drew, who acted like a jerk, and therefore cleared himself from my mind. Then I went to ASL,and King was gone, so Jon taught, which is always a plus. Then after class I sat around and talked with Tracy and Jon, and this kid named Nick. And guess what. I found Laura. The girl from kindergarten who sparked my whole interest in the Deaf world. Excitement I know. It's great. :] We are friends on Facebook, and have been chatting throughout the day. Super cool. :] And then I went to the Library, got some homework done, came home cleaned my room, then me and Tesha went to the Marketplace together. Which was pretty great. No boyfriend though. :[ Oh well. Then I went to DESA, where we played a hand shape game, Amy gave us a hand shape, and we had to think of all the signs we could that incorporated that hand shape. It was fun. Me, Tracy, and Nate won, because Jon cheated. Go us. :] Then they made me and Tracy DESA officers. :] So, today was a really great day. Woo. Now I'm going to bed, cuz I have to wake up in like five hours. Booo.