I told you, I fail at writing when I come home. I don't exactly see the point, cuz I'm with my family. But since this has become my only form of journal, I figure I had better keep up. So Friday, I did quite a bit. I went to classes, read an entire chapter for Psychology, packed up all my stuff, and headed home. I also took a Biology exam, but I don't want to discuss that any further. The drive home was alright, boring because I was alone. And I hit wayy bad traffic for like an hour. It sucked. Traffic is so stupid. But being home was good. :] My mom painted the basement, applesauce something or rather, and put these cool lamp things down there, so now it's my "bedroom." Much better than the creepiness of the basement that was doubling as my bedroom beforehand. I like it. :] And, may in the future, jack the lamps. :] Friday night was fun. I ate dinner with my sisters, and just kind of hung out with them. They're not all bad. :] Then the three of us and Parker went and saw The Blindside. And wow, it was the greatest movie of all time. I loved it. Every second. I'm so buying it. :] This day was tiring. :/ I woke up and had to go to work, to help Jenn bake at Smart Cookie. It was actually kind of fun. We got done really fast, and got a lot done, so Christian was really happy with us. But ohhh the store. It's nassttayy. So before my shifts on Monday and Tuesday, I'm going in to do some deep cleaning. Cuz it is needed. I wonder what Christian would do without me. Jenn is good for there, she knows what she is doing. Idk about all the other girls though. Kayla yes, but she's leaving soon. So we will just have to see what he does then. Looses it probably. He asked me to stay home for Spring Semester and work full-time for him. Ha. After work I came home and just watched some TV, because I was so exhausted. Then I went and hung out with Parker, Ben, Will, and Scott. It was good. :] I miss those boys. They are great. After hanging out at Ben's for a little while we went to see 2012. And oh my. Never see it. It stressed me out so bad. It's one of those movies, that nothing good happens until like the last minute. I swear I got five new ulcers just from that 2 hours. It was good, just wow. It's the end of the world all right. Scarrryy business. The first place to be effected was South America too. How fitting. Today was Yvonne's birthday. My mom bought her a blanket and a card. This is a very dull post. Blah. It's just relaying the events of my lame college life back to you, as if you were skimming the contents of my brain. Ha, but if you even skimmed the top of my brain I think you would die. I think about too much at once, so even a skim is like a full immersion. April has still not text me about a letter. Next week for sure. :]
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