Dec 1

Got to start a new month today. That is a grand occassion. So today was basically the most nonproductive day ever. It all started out well, but went downhill as the day progressed. I realized a few things today however. I noticed, that as I walk across campus, no matter what time of the day it is, no matter what day it is, season, weather conditions, there are always people working on the landscape. I wonder, why that is. I mean, it's pretty cold here. And everyone knows we're going to get a ton of snow, so why spend countless hours slaving away over the landscape that will just become a frozen wasteland in a month's time. Waste of time. Tonight we had some seriously fun times as roommates and Tori. Ha. We got no homework done however, but oh we laughed really hard. First we had a giant dance party, and got the people from the second floor to come up and see what was going on. Then me and Tori stat in my room and no joke just stared out my window waiting for innocent passerbys to scream at. Oh it was so funny. We were dying we were laughing so hard. I don't know what happened to everyone tonight, but we were all on something. Then Tori picked up this giant carboard remote we have in our front room (let me repeat that, the giant....cardboard...remote...we had in our front roomm......??) and we both connected on the same brain wave, and I became her TV. It then turned into this giant game, and everyone was involved, and we acted out all sorts of TV shows, and all of us were laughing so hard we were crying and laying on the floor. It was a great time. I'm going to miss little Tesha when she moves away. I cannot believe it is already the end of my first semester at college. I still feel like a little girl. It's the weirdest. But it really is great. Sometimes I look back for a second on life in high school, jr. high, or elementary, and I can see how old I really am. Other times when I look back I can tell I still am the same girl, with the same quirks, and the same goals. I'm glad that I could remain an individual through the craziness we grow up in now a days. I feel bad for those of them that I once knew, who faded away into the fads and fashions of the world, and caved under the pressures of their peers. I want to show them that the real them is still there somewhere, but I don't think they would be willing to uncover it. They like their new covering of a life better, even if it is just temporary. I can only continue to hope that they will realize it before it is too late, and come back to what they used to know. But everyone has hopes. No letter. Talked to Connor again. Losing interest in Nick. I feel these are just staples of the day that need to be mentioned. They are like the Nutrition Facts on the cereal boxes. Demanded by law, passed over by all.