Dec 31 2009

So, I have been a slacker. Rigggghht. My bad. I'll catch you up real quick. :] Tuesday. :] I baked at Fort Union again, and it was good as always. I really like it up there. But today was especially exciting, because I get to do something so cool next weekend! Christian called, and told me to whip up some special sugar cookies, so I obeyed, and kinda spun my own personality on them, and then he came and looked at them, and explained what they were for. Get this, he is doing the Bridal Show in Salt Lake next weekend, and that's what the cookies were for. And, this is the greatest part, so if you're not sitting (which would be bizarre) sit down. I get to go! He liked my cookies, and offered to take me to the show with him. :] Idk why I'm so excited, but I am. :] It's going to be just great. Tuesday night was our Open House, and it actually went well. A lot of people showed up, and we had so many cookies (still do) and that is disgusting. Oh well, it went good, and there are pictures. My mom went out of control, and did all sorts of cool decorations and extravagent cookie displays. After the Open House, Troy took me away from all the madness, and we went to his house and watched Paperheart. Which is a suppper cute mockumentary, that is kinda Indie, but I loved it! Super good. :] It was a very good night. He held my hand. Finally. Haha so it's good. :] He's so cute. So so so awkward. But cute. Wednesday pretty much went exactly the same. Baked in Fort Union, came home, and then went and hung out with Troy. :] We went to Smith's, bought supplies, and then he made me Brazilian food. It was so good! I had lots of fun. Then we just hung around, watched a couple of movies, and some Sportscenter. :] It was great. Lots of fun. Phew. Okay, so today is Thursday, and now I'm all caught up. Today was my last day at the FU store, and that is sad. :/ Hopefully I'll be there next week during the Bridal Show, because I really like Mckenna. (She is the girl who has opened everyday I have been there, and has helped me out A TON, she's super cool.) Then I came home, and discovered something fantastic. A new show. :] I'm actually watching it at this moment, it's called Burn Notice. So good. He is an awesome dude. I wish I had his skills. Tonight is New Years, and I'm pretty much dreading it. Which is sad, because it will probably be fun. I'm hoping. But New Years Eve has always sucked. Year after year, it's just been not great. Kaleb incident. Cam incident. I'm nervous this year will end up in a Troy incident. Or something worse. But I'm doing my best to be positive. :] Here is the agenda, I'm going to go to the Johnson's with my parents, eat dinner, see the people ther for a little bit, and then me and Troy are going to head to Tori's and hang out with her and Hadley. I'm excited to see her!! I miss her greatly. I'm wearing big earrings just for her, because they're her very favorite. I also will be meeting Jordan tonight, which should be interesting. We'll see how this goes. :] Positive thoughts right? Troy had a rough day though. I can tell it's bugging him more than he is letting on, and I'll post what happened as soon as I figure it out. Hmmm. Lately I have just been plucking petals off daisies.