Dec 8 2009

Tuesday. Today was absolutely boring. I slept in, which was very nice, seeing as I was seriously lacking in the amount of sleep I had retained over the past few days. Then we ventured to the Marketplace, and I headed off to my ASL final. It went very well. I feel very confident I got an extremely high grade, and I'm glad that I did really well in at least one class! I'm hoping that my report card reads all a's, with the stupid Biology exception of the C whatever. After my final, I came home and studied for a couple of hours, then read some of the book I'm currently entertained by, "The Secret Journal of Brett Colton." It's really good. It's a church book, about a girl who's brother died when she was really little, and then leaves her a journal for her to find on her sixteenth birthday. She meets the school quarterback (who is apparently extrememly attractive) who is Mormon, and they end up dating. I'm only halfway through, but I feel like he will convert her, and hopefully they will end up happily together for the rest of their lives. :] I like reading about her perspective on the Mormons, and the way that they conduct themselves. She mistakes Jason's kindness for fakeness, and then begins to realize, that that truly is who he is. I hope that someday I will be that kind. :] Ha. I talked to Parker today as well, which is good because I miss her greatly, and we haven't talked in forever. She is doing good. Hopefully her and Ben will be okay. We made a candybar run a while ago, because we all seriously needed some chocolate. I have been studying for my Psychology test most of the night, and me, Maddison, and Tesha have just been hanging out in the living room. I also talked to Troy today. I had to ask him about wardrobe requirements for Saturday, so I texted him. He answered my question, and then told me good luck on my finals. I idiotically said you too. I dont' think he is in school, therefore surely meaning he doesn't have finals. I'm an idiot. I'm hoping maybe he just read over it quickly, and thought nothing of it. Because that is a great first impression. Oh yeah. You're an idiot. Great. I will have to find some way to recover from this one. Tomorrow night is our last supper as roommates. It will be very sad. :/ I will take a lot of pictures. I'm sad. I like these girls. It has been so fun getting to know them, and I will miss different things about each one of them. I know we will see them next year, (Tesha and Maddison are coming back to Logan, and have promised to visit, or sacrifice their lives to me) but it is still sad. This is one of those situations where you are all forced into something new, and scary, so you reach out to whoever you can, and you become so much closer. I'm lucky to have met these girls, and hope that I have impacted their lives in a positive way. I hope when they think of me, they smile and shake their heads. I know that's what I will do when I think of both Maddison and Tesha. In church on Sunday Grant bore his testimony, and talked about going home for Christmas, and he made a valid point, that I think all of us agreed with. This Christmas is so different from the others. It means more to all of us to come home for the holiday, and be able to just be home with our families, and not have to worry about the stresses of school. It's very cool. Even if we are all stuck in the Limbo stage of life, where we are no longer young, not yet old. It's like the stage of life where we take everything we ever absorbed when being young, and have to quick sort it all out before we are old enough to actually apply it, and have it affect our lives, and our future families. Oh. I just love hanging out with these girls! I'm sad they are leaving. Maddison has this ability to make everyone laugh, by being totally serious. And Tesha's ability to make a normal situation completely awkward, and say everything that everyone is thinking. Next semester will be so weird.