Jan 20 2010

I have one very devastating story to share with you all today. Everyone remembers The David correct? Well, I saw him today. This is how it played out.
I'm walking along, listening to my ipod, thinking about my ToDo list, and how weird the kid that just walked by was.
I look up, and see The David coming up the sidewalk to my left, and there is a girl about a foot or so to his left, walking with him.
Me and The David make eye contact.
I smile, and say hi.
The David does nothing, puts his arm around the girl, and pulls her in nice and close and smirks at me.
Ask me how I felt.
Jerk! I was only trying to be nice to him. And what does he do? Flip. I was so mad. I stopped walking right there in the middle of the sidewalk and was seriously shocked. What did he think I was like obsessed with him and was fallling at his feet? We went on one date! And it wasn't even really a date. Bahhh. I thought we were FRIENDS. Apparently girls cannot have friends that are guys these days. When I talked to Troy on the phone, he mentioned the missionaries that can't get out of the misssion, and they talk about the mission all the time and can't stop thinking about it. The David is one of these people. It's been driving me crazy all day, and I can't wait until the next time I see him. I haven't exactly thought out what I'm going to do, but it will be dramatic and probably cause him great embarrassment. I just was completely shocked that he did that. It's not like I care about him, or this girl. I'm glad he is dating her......or whatever. We had NOTHING. I thought we were Biology friends. Anyway. Guess what I bought today? A GIGANTIC jar of pickles. The thing is huge. But it was a wayy great price, and I love pickles. But that is not even the best part of this purchase. April came home from work, and she as well stopped by WalMart sometime throughout the day. What did she pull out of her plastic grocery bag (don't worry, I'm recycling them. :] ) but a large jar of pickles to match mine. :] I took a picture of it. And although I would like to post it on here, and figure that all out, I need to be going to bed. We're going to the temple early early in the morning, and it is going to be a great long day. :] Happy hump day.