Jan 11 2010

Today was the first day back of classes. And I feel like it actually went alright. I got everywhere on time, had a place to sit. Success. I'm just really excited for this weekend. I just have to make it through this semester, and get the grades I need. Then everything will be great. :] I also need a check from is tight. :/ But it will all work itself out. Eventually. I have to get my Patriarchal blessing here soon! I'm very excited, and calling the Patriarch is on my list of things to do. Still trying to wind down from the crazy stress of the weekend, but I'm doing better. Everything is coming together, slowly, but surely. I'm really tired. I forgot how hard this whole school day thing was. All of my classes went really well, and I was able to keep up in ASL 2 no problem, which I was nervous for, because it has been so long. Oh my. We have a problem. Troy just asked if he will ever be able to read the blog. Yeahh. This just got interesting. Maybe. Anyhow, we went to the basketball game tonight, and it was really fun. We totally killed Hawaii, and we hung out with Tori's new roommate, Lauren, and I really like her. :] We had fun, I was totally on one, and it was great. :] I'm excited to get to know her, and hang out with her. We had quite the adventure in Wal-Mart. That's all for tonight. I have to go sift through blog posts to make a decision about Troy.......oh blog. Why.