Jan 19 2010

Sometimes, you just don't have the time. Today, was one of those times. I was running everywhere. I had classes straight from eleven to four, then a meeting with the Education people. So I was doing school until about five, then began homework. I just finished. :] I love this. It's so splendid. Those are the boring details of my day, with nothing really exciting intertwined. I found out tonight that I'm going to be getting my Patriarchal Blessing on Sunday. I'm extremely excited. But, nervous as well. I'm terrified it's going to say something scary. Which I know, the odds of that are like a million to one. But still. We will see I guess. It's exciting. :] Things are getting crazier and crazier, and I feel like my life has hit a superspeed button I didn't know existed. It's quite annoying. I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing, and it's making me kind of nervous. I just wish that there were a way for me to know exactly how everything was going to play out. What I was going to do this summer, how I was going to work, what I need to be doing, and the list goes on. But it's not going to happen, and I know this. But I can still wish right? I'm really exhausted, and have to wake up at six thrity to work out with Tori. We'll see how this goes. I talked to Troy on the phone earlier, and then I distracted him from his Chemistry on facebook. I'm awful. There is nothing to update there, we're in different cities. I look forward to the end of this week.